Version 0.7.9 – current development
Version 0.7.9 includes a "third draft" shop implementation, as well as improved handling of forms and mediae.
The most important updates are:
- Improved form handling: updated validation rules and improved upload capabilities
- Extended media functionality
- New orders can now only be created by checking out a cart
- Callback functions for addedToCart, ordered, subscribed, and shipped are now an part of the purchase flow for an item. The callbacks can be customized on a per-itemtype basis.
- Member and SuperMember are now stand-alone classes separate from the User and SuperUser classes.
- Subscription and SuperSubscription are now stand-alone classes separate from the Shop and SuperShop classes.
- And lot's of bug-fixes and minor enhancements.
Version 0.7.8
Version 0.7.8 included a full "second draft" shop implementation.
Version 0.7.7
The most important updates were:
- Video auto conversion now supports output in mp4, webm, ogv, 3gp and mov.
- Person model added to core itemtypes.
- New Setup and Upgrade UI.
- Shop model, 1st draft.
- Membership model, 1st draft.
- Subscription model, 1st draft.
- Cache UI.
- Global "duplicate item" function.
- Stripe integration.
- Added AutoComplete setting for inputs via Model.
- Runs on MAMP.
- And lot's of bug-fixes and minor enhancements.
Version 0.7.6
The most important updates were:
- Added token login
- Reworked FileSystem functionality for improved edge-case handling
- Added Zipper.class for easier creation of zip-files
- Added headerIncludes function to add header CSS and JS includes from content templates
- Navigation nodes now allow for specifying controller path for page Itemtype (per node)
- Updated to Detector-v3
Non-privleged user creation (members), via plain signup or newsletter signup.
Includes activation email and confirmation process.
NOTE: controllers are not included in Janitor, but will be exemplified in the Janitor demo shortly.
- User profile module.
- Simple automated version control on all main item data updates. This is considered a data protection enhancement - Revisions are still only availble via DB access. Revision interface could be included in v0.9.
- Global item comments added. Now any item can have comments added.
- Added IC::getRelatedItems which finds best matching items based on tags and itemtype.
- Added Readstates - the ability to store "read"-state for users on any item.
- Updated TODOs with assigned_to value. Also added JML-listUserTodos for creating dashboard on frontpage.
- Added Questions and Answers global item. Also added JML-listOpenQuestions for creating dashboard on frontpage.
Version 0.7.5
Version 0.7.5 finalized a long awaited major core class update and a full webbased setup module.
The most important updates were:
- Setup interface for existing projects
- Setup interface for new projects
- Reorganized core class naming and inclusion model
- Updated folder structure
- Simplified backend template HTML with general Janitor HTML support class
Version 0.7
Version 0.7 added Windows support to Janitor and an all rewritten security model.
The most important updates were:
- Added Windows support
- Updated security model with csrf token
- Updated Apache conf layout
- Introduced default guest user for all visitors
- Simplified controller layout